Learning with Quizlet

A component of our research involves creating flashcard sets for instructors to use in conjunction with their lessons and determining the efficacy of Quizlet as a study aid for adult ESL students. Quizlet is an online learning tool that allows users to generate flashcard sets. Using Quizlet as a memorization aid is especially valuable because, as educators are aware, students learn and memorize in different ways. To accommodate various learning processes, Quizlet offers a variety of study modes from which students can choose the ones that most appeal to them.

And, of course, the practicality of the Quizlet mobile app is that it allows users to access many flashcard sets without the burden of carrying them around at all times. This lets students utilize all of those spare moments in the day, like a lunch break or waiting at a bus stop, as study time to brush up on some terms.

Arguably one of the greatest features is that other users may access the prepared flashcard sets and that students can also make their own sets. In addition, flashcard “terms” are not limited to words. Users can upload images or even audio clips, which are especially useful for language acquisition, particularly for students who might not have native English speaker family member at home who can quiz them.

We are in the process of creating more sets and hope to utilize all of these features, but in the meantime, please explore what we have created so far. Search our username (hgset561) at quizlet.com.

This post was written by Nareen.

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