Smartphones in America

Earlier this month, the Pew Research Center wrote an article that briefly explained six facts about Americans and smartphones.  Nearly two-thirds of adults in America own a smartphone (about 64%), and of this percentage, “younger adults, minorities, and lower-income depend on their smartphone for Internet access.”  You can read the full article here:

With these and other striking statistics, it becomes more evident that mobile devices like smartphones have the capacity to potentially shift language learning in America.  Even though costs may drive some adults to cancel their cell phone plans, there are still many others who don’t, because it is almost their life support.  We could tap into this resource and truly help those learning ESL, without possibly spending more money than they already do for their data plans.  Of course, there are many caveats to this statement, but the sentiment remains:

Let’s harness the power of mobile devices to change the landscape of language learning.

This post was written by Ji-Sun.

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